I could not get through to the internet service provider
Dear Editor, On Sunday October 21 users could not get on to the Solutions 2000 internet platform via their main office in Georgetown.
Dear Editor, On Sunday October 21 users could not get on to the Solutions 2000 internet platform via their main office in Georgetown.
Dear Editor, I am sure that everyone is aware of the concert dubbed “The Guyana Music Festival” which is scheduled to be held on October 27, 2007 at the Providence Cricket Stadium.
How must the administration respond to the recent spate of road deaths at Supply Village on the East Bank Demerara, at Bel Air Village on the East Coast Demerara and at Amelia’s Ward in Linden?
Dear Editor, The caption of Mr Dennis Wiggins’ submission in your letter columns that characterized the Alliance For Change (AFC) party thus, “The Alliance cannot confine itself to parliamentary politics and must be activist” (Stabroek News 07/10/20) is in sync with the policy of the AFC.
Dear Editor, Being a frequent reader of all three daily newspapers I was asked whether press freedom is under threat with respect to government’s decision to withdraw advertisements from the Stabroek News which is based on the decline in newspaper circulation.
Dear Editor, I wish to congratulate Mr Rickey Singh for his letter, captioned “The Stabroek News ads decision” published in the Guyana Chronicle on October 23, 2007.
Dear Editor, I would like to ask the attorney representing the Guyanese family who recently received refugee status in Canada the following questions :- 1) Can he relate exactly how the drug couriers plan-ned to secrete drugs among rice shipments?
Dear Editor, Not long ago I was looking for something from the 1886 newspapers at the National Archives.
Dear Editor, It is so sad that none of the three daily newspapers seemed to have recognized as a human person, the unborn child who perished in the recent road carnage on the east coast.
Dear Editor, Too bad for Malcolm Sonaram who was remanded to prison for causing death by dangerous driving on October 17.
Dear Editor, I thank you for forwarding my letter about the teenager who was allegedly attacked by a senior PPP member, to the Minister of Human Services for a response.
Dear Editor, We have had new traffic lights installed over four months.
Dear Editor, The November elections in Trinidad are turning out to be quite interesting.
Dear Editor, A recent letter suggested planting a tree to replace the dying Conversation Tree in commemoration of Mr Charles P Kennard.
Dear Editor, Since I have been living in Guyana, going back and forth from England and Barbados for the last 20 years, I was asked by many singers and musicians especially the Mighty Intruder of “Lilawattie” fame and Mr Richard Noble, a producer and songwriter of “If you tell me” which was sung by our own Billy Wade, to speak on their behalf about the copyright laws not being enforced in Guyana which gives songwriters, musicians, and other creative artistes no chance of earning a living by whatever they have created.
Dear Editor, I refer to a letter by Dr Anand Daljeet captioned “Our scientific institutions cannot develop without the proper equipment” (07.10.21).
Dear Editor, I refer to Mr Eric Phillips’ letter captioned “Widespread indifference to the plight of Africans in Guyana” (07.10.13) where Phillips declares that “The Indian population is indifferent to African needs”.
Dear Editor, I would like to refer to the GLU’s upcoming elections at its 5th Triennial Delegates Congress for the post of President General.
Writing her regular column in the Weekend Mirror newspaper of 6-7 October, former president Mrs Janet Jagan stirred the ashes of the smouldering controversy about the fatal fire in which members of the Abraham family were murdered.
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