Mr Corbin should not have restarted the meeting
Dear Editor,I refer to Mr Eustace Harlequinn’s letter captioned “Mr Mc Allister’s behaviour was immature and irresponsible” (07.10.18)and wish to differ with him on some of the issues he posited.
Dear Editor,I refer to Mr Eustace Harlequinn’s letter captioned “Mr Mc Allister’s behaviour was immature and irresponsible” (07.10.18)and wish to differ with him on some of the issues he posited.
Dear Editor, Professor James Watson’s statement that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really” is really the irony of the ages and a sign of the darkness of the world in which he lives.
Dear Editor, An editorial published on Sunday, October 21st, 2007, in The Guyana Chronicle – a state controlled newspaper, is a fitting example of lack of journalistic integrity and the problem inherent in state controlled media, especially in countries which experience regular human rights violations.
Last week the Sunday Times published a fascinating profile of a man who made one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of the twentieth century.
Dear Editor, Just read your Sunday editorial captioned “Burnham and education”.
Dear Editor I refer to Mr David Burgess’s letter captioned “Conversation tree seems to be dying” (07.10.22).
Dear Editor, I have observed that the Home Affairs Minister has made rash and unsubstantiated statements about Canada’s refugee system, especially the one that relates to my client who was successful in his refugee claim.
Dear Editor, I read the letter headed “Gail Teixeira is losing her credibility, her present job appears to have shifted her loyalty from the party to the President” (07.10.21), about the withholding of ads from SN.
Dear Editor, Myself and others have been keenly following the recommendations put forward by the Minister of Social Security and Human Services to make perpetrators of female sexual abuse more accountable.
Dear Editor, The proposed increase in the electricity tariff will bring more hardship on workers.
Dear Editor, After reading the Sunday Stabroek editor-ial captioned “Burnham and education” (October 21, 2007), I hope the same right to analysis given in this column will be given to mine.
Dear Editor, SASOD, the prominent Gay/Human Rights body in Guyana, recently invited the Guyana Government to denounce the promotion of societal homophobia.
Dear Editor, Democracy in its true sense can be undermined by many factors two of which are unaccountability and lack of transparency.
Dear Editor, A ticklish situation lurking around the corner is the new decision by the Jamaican government to have foreign workers show in 10 days their work permits or face deportation as appeared in a Chronicle report dated October 20, 2007.
Dear Editor, Your news item, (“PPP urges Canada to stop exporting criminals,” Saturday, October 20), related to the Guyanese family that received political asylum in Canada, last month which captured many people’s attention when it first broke.
In his most recent defence of the government’s decision to withdraw ads from Stabroek News, President Jagdeo attempted to dismantle the argument by this newspaper that its editorial independence and criticisms of the government were behind the cut-off.
Dear Editor, Your October 18, 2007 editorial made reference to measures by the Home Affairs Minister to address the irresponsible driving habits of bus and taxi operators.
Dear Editor, It is with deep disquiet that we continue to read about the carnage on our roads, hear the wailing of those mourning family members and friends, and see the agony caused by a few reckless, irresponsible drivers.
Dear Editor, I read with intrigue the intention of Stabroek News to picket the meeting of the Commonwealth Finance Ministers.
Dear Editor, Permit me to respond to the faceless attack on my person by the writer of the October 20, 2007, editorial in the Stabroek News captioned “Verbal sexual abuse”.
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