The two of us are the only ones at UG who speak to the press
Dear Editor, Mr. Al Creighton has an interesting section in his letter to the Stabroek News of Thursday, October 4.
Dear Editor, Mr. Al Creighton has an interesting section in his letter to the Stabroek News of Thursday, October 4.
Dear Editor, Friday 12 October was African Holocaust day which ACDA and other African organizations commemorated at the Sea Walls.
Amidst all the rumours, speculation, fears, hopes, fudging and hedging about whether President Bharrat Jagdeo is interested in a third term of office, people seem to be forgetting one key point: Mr Jagdeo has only just completed one year of his five-year term and is no lame duck.
Dear Editor, Too many people are dying on the country’s roads.
Dear Editor, What a ghastly, horrific bus crash at Linden, with so many dead and injured.
Dear Editor, In reference to a letter by Mr. Leon James Suseran captioned “A waste of Cyber-space,” (GC 07.10.07) I would like to clarify a few points.
Dear Editor, I noticed the circus packing up to leave town this morning.
Dear Editor, I had a hard time discerning whether Pastor Rocky Lall’s tone in his letter captioned “President Jagdeo deserves two more terms” (07.10.11) was satirical or serious in nature.
Dear Editor, I feel compelled to add a bit to the issue raised by Saywack/ Charles and Dave Martins on ‘negative journalism’.
Dear Editor, To date MMA/ADA has not increased the pension of pensioners in accordance to the 5% increase that was given to public servants in December 2006, retroactive from January 2006.
Dear Editor, I write in response to Dennis Wiggins’ letter captioned “The PNCR must develop a strategy to attract disaffected Indian voters” (07.10.07).
Dear Editor, I do not envy the policemen of this country at all.
Dear Editor, In one of his most loved pieces, Guyana’s poet laureate, Martin Carter, speaks of “leaping from the oppressor’s hate and the scorn of myself”.
Dear Editor, I would like to know when I am going to have my income tax refunds due to me since 1989 to 2006?
Dear Editor, In recent times I have realised that the Stabroek News is coming in for a “media-bias bashing”.This
Dear Editor, It is not very often that we get to read letters from PNC Leader, Mr.
Dear Editor, Congratulations to President Jagdeo for finally calling a spade a spade regarding the timber scam.
Dear Editor, Paul Thom a young man residing in Linden was picked up by the police on Monday October 1, from the house he was staying with his reputed wife and child (baby) for questioning on reported lost items.
Dear Editor, I have made several complaints to the Local Sanitary Inspector,the Mayor and Town Clerk of the Anna Regina Town Council and the Environmental Protection Agency about an illegal cement bond at Lot 42, Cotton Field, Essequibo Coast in a residential area.
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