Dear Editor,
I agree with the views expressed by Swami Aksharananda in his letter “Gandhi’s dedication to non-violence is a vital message today” (October 6, 2007), in which he linked violence with religion.
Dear Editor,
For me, the letter columns of two popular newspapers have become a double-glance-few-minutes activity.
Dear Editor,
I was extremely happy to note that the Committee related to the Guyana Prize for Literature offered an award to Mr.
On June 15 this year in a column in Stabroek Business, commentator Mr Christopher Ram reflected on the perils facing the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and emphasized the need for swift action.
Dear Editor,
In April this year my sister-in-law packed and sent a barrel from New York, USA through the Sureway Shipp-ing Company.
Dear Editor,
I would like to make a contribution on the issue of miners using the Barama Road going to Waini and government’s proposal/decision on the issue of mining licences and mining claims and blocks in this area and within the area of Barama.
Dear Editor,
Friday was celebrated world wide as ” World Teachers Day” and it is ironic that the President’s College was the focus of attention in a negative way as we watched on TV and heard the dissenting voices of the students, “No water no school”.
Dear Editor,
In an article appearing in Kaieteur News dated September 18th, 2007 by one Mr.
Dear Editor,
The persons listed below are victims in matters before the Court.
Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my disenchantment with the falling standards and lack of professionalism or objectivity which has permeated our ‘Dear Land of Guyana’.
Dear Editor,
I refer to the letter captioned “Policeman did not testify at the Suddie Court because case was adjourned” (07.09.07) and the detailed response from the police which referred to an investigation conducted by the police office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)which found that the policeman was not to blame for not being present where he was called to give evidence.
Dear Editor,
The residents of Block 8, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara have for years been begging for a reasonable supply of potable water and good streets.
Dear Editor,
I was dissappointed but not surprised to see the PNCR stoop to a major low by trying to hijack the Freedom of Information Bill, from Mr.
Dear Editor,
The just concluded exhibition by the 2007 Burrowes school of arts graduands at the Umana Yana was quite impressive.
Dear Editor,
I was reading the Chronicle yesterday and it says that the Minister of Education is going to punish the students of PC who dared to protest.
Dear Editor,
I have decided to write this letter after months of in-depth contemplation about the cost and benefits to the Demico chain of fast-food outlets – mainly those in Georgetown – and to the buying public.
Dear Editor,
The use of cocaine and other drugs is on the rise in Canal #2.
Guyana is full of rumours, some of which have greater resilience than others.
Dear Editor,
We are disappointed in the conduct of Magistrate Gordon Gilhuys in the handling of the Vilton Bourne matter with the pit bulls.
Dear Editor,
Just my short contribution to the hullabaloo about the promotion of Commodore Best to Chief of Staff of the GDF.