
NIS perils

On June 15 this year in a column in Stabroek Business, commentator Mr Christopher Ram reflected on the perils facing the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and emphasized the need for swift action.

The students should not be penalised

Dear Editor, Friday was celebrated world wide as ” World Teachers Day” and it is ironic that the President’s College was the focus of attention in a negative way as we watched on TV and heard the dissenting voices of the students, “No water no school”.

I am not satisfied with this investigation

Dear Editor, I refer to the letter captioned “Policeman did not testify at the Suddie Court because case was adjourned” (07.09.07) and the detailed response from the police which referred to an investigation conducted by the police office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)which found that the policeman was not to blame for not being present where he was called to give evidence.

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