Dear Editor,
Each day one can read in the newspaper how people cannot afford to buy daily products at the markets, supermarkets, stores, etc, and each time, the VAT team tells the various unions and concerned citizens that they need to educate themselves more about VAT.
Dear Editor,
The US presidential race appears headed to a contest between two New Yorkers – Democrat Hillary Clinton versus Republican Rudy Giuliani.
Dear Editor,
One person recently said to me that this fasting should be embraced by the United Nations in order for humanity to return to its roots of community living and empathising with the less fortunate.
The seemingly unsolvable security situation on the East Coast of Demerara needs more than arrests, detentions, interrogations, searches and joint police-military operations.
Dear Editor,
Since writing our last letter to Stabroek News, we read your report on the torture of two young men from Buxton.
Dear Editor,
No town-planning and no zoning are messing up Georgetown’s beautiful layout.
Dear Editor,
We don’t have to go looking very far in Guyana for ‘dark tourism.’
Colonels in the Guyana Defence Force have had a hard year.
Dear Editor,
With reference to the caption in the Sunday Stabroek dated September, 23, 2007 (‘Human rights body presses for restart of coroner’s in-quests’) I wish to inform you that from 2006 to the present 71 inquests were held by magistrates in Guyana.
Dear Editor,
I wish to write regarding an article entitled, ‘Church services raise curtain on Prison Week,’ which was carried in the Guyana Chronicle on Sunday, September 30.
Dear Editor,
I write to share a few comments with you and your readers about your editorial on September 28, captioned ‘Lessons learned.’
Dear Editor,
With all of the scams that are being exposed under this present government, including the forestry/timber scam, there is a more urgent need now for support for the Trotman/AFC Freedom of Information Bill.
Dear Editor,
The history of contemporary Guyana is still to be written and I agree entirely that we should press on in pursuit of the truth, possibly through first-person testimonies of those who suffered or those who were close enough to the many victims and witnessed the traumas of our post-colonial period.
Dear Editor,
I wish to refer to the letter titled ‘Minister should rethink decision on sixth-form Mathematics entry requirement’ (SN, 29.9.07).
Dear Editor,
When I heard about the death of one of Guyana’s stalwarts, Ivan Crandon, I was jolted into the reality of how temporary our time on this earth is.
Dear Editor,
Frederick Kissoon, in a recent column, lamented the absence of struggle in Guyana today.
Dear Editor,
There is a groundswell on the daily periphery of life in Guyana.
Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter written by Professor Seelochan Beharry in Stabroek News, captioned; ‘UG does not contribute to national debates on any issue,’ dated September 20, 2007.
Dear Editor,
One of my hobbies is farming. I learnt to appreciate Agricultural Science to a large extent when I was a student at Ann’s Grove Methodist School (now Ann’s Grove Community High School).
In his opening address at GuyExpo 2007 where he spoke feelingly about his vision for Guyana, President Jagdeo adverted to three areas in which he desired a partnership with business.