Our club should not be billed at the commercial rate
Dear Editor, Our youths we are told are our most precious assets and everything must be done to protect them from the ills of society so that they can grow up to become the leaders of tomorrow.
Dear Editor, Our youths we are told are our most precious assets and everything must be done to protect them from the ills of society so that they can grow up to become the leaders of tomorrow.
Dear Editor, I read with interest the letters captioned “Guyana’s forestry resources are being plundered for little gain” and “Barama introduced modern techniques of forest management to the declining forest industry in Guyana” (07.01.18) as well as the report headlined “Barama certificate for good forestry suspended” on the same date.
Dear Editor, The front page of another Sunday newspaper featured an item on plans to spruce up the Stabroek market clock, an historical landmark.
Dear Editor, The nation wishes to have an explanation from the President, the Attorney General and possibly the Minister of Home Affairs as to the real reason why those on death row condemned to be hanged and who do not have motions pending in the courts are not executed or their sentences commuted to life.
Dear Editor, I read with grave concern your article on the president’s intention to use $400m for the construction of a shelter for destitute/homeless persons.
Dear Editor, The greatest, most-renowned freedom-fighter in the world was a proponent of peaceful initiatives.
Dear Editor, When I see the weeping and gnashing of teeth as the Jagdeo government gradually increases authoritarianism in Guyana, I am reminded of the quote from Pastor Martin Niemoller(1892-1984).
Dear Editor, I do have my thoughts and reservation on the Kashif and Shanghai Organisation’s activities in the Linden Community.
Dear Editor, I think the PNC’s opposition to Dr Ramsammy’s “Health Facilities Licensing Bill” is short-sighted.
Dear Editor, I hope you may be able to clarify my curiosity if you had reporters in Parliament when Mr.
Dear Editor, It is good that a patriot and highly qualified consultant has taken up the issue related to a recent letter written to the media by Mr.
Dear Editor, The People’s Progressive Party has ignored the voice of the people it claims to govern!
Dear Editor, The debate continues on the subject of casino licences and also who will get them – the ‘old’ or new hotels.
Does the President need a national security adviser to analyse the abundant amount of raw information that passes through his office and to coordinate the myriad security agencies and programmes in the country?
Dear Editor, Guyanese returning to Guyana for a visit are usually at a loss for night entertainment.
Dear Editor, I am surprised the opposition leader and the trade unionists haven’t been able to identify the hand behind most of Guyana’s economic problems and which contributes to the deteriorating social and crime problems in the country.
Dear Editor, It is very important that the amendment to the VAT Act is passed by Parliament which will empower the Minister of Finance and the GRA to take immediate action to remove the 16 % tax on certain other items and zero rate or exempt them to bring further relief to consumers.
Dear Editor, It was interesting to read, via the internet, your editorial last Saturday on the subject of allegations of racist bullying on the British television “Reality show?
Dear Editor, During the recent parliamentary workshop, I was heartened to hear so many people agree that a vibrant parliament is the heart of a functional democracy.
Dear Editor, On a recent visit to the Rupununi, the president stated that the army needs recruits from the Rupununi.
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