
It’s enough to make you ill

Dear Editor, Is there another country on planet earth where the mere sight of a Guyana Power and Light bill (GPL Bill) increases hypertension, diarrhoea, heart attacks and other unpleasant response except Guyana, the land of many waters that should have been generating electricity at the minimum rate.

The president and the party

The recent controversy concerning the President’s appointment of ministers of the new Cabinet before they were declared elected as members of parliament has given rise to considerable speculation.

Don’t hire cart drivers who mistreat their animals

Dear Editor, The front page picture in the Guyana Chronicle (11.01.07 of the horse that ran into a drain in its desperate attempt to escape the unbearable load of its cart and the whip of the cart driver, captures the kind of punishment animals are subjected to daily at the hands of cart drivers whose greed and lack of compassion lead them to these acts of brutality.

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