Dear Editor,
I observed that the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority Mr Khurshid Sattaur seems to be responding to all the critics.
Dear Editor,
I wish to empathise with Ronald Morgan and all those persons who are incapacitated and confined to their wheelchairs, beds and other dismal domiciles.
Dear Editor,
We the members of the Forest Products Association, refute a statement in Freddie Kissoon’s column in the Kaieteur News of Friday.
Dear Editor,
I refer to the article headlined “Union leaders trade jabs over unity” which appears in SN, Friday January 12th 2007, and would like to direct a few questions to Mr.
Dear Editor,
The recent prison breakout at Mazaruni Prison should not come as a surprise to the powers that be as they were fully aware that the prison service does not have the capacity, lacks the human and financial resources to prevent such occurrences.
Dear Editor,
When analyzing any situation it is best for one to step back and look at the big picture.
Dear Editor,
Firstly I must commend the Commissioner General for the milestone achievement of Guyana’s tax history, VAT, which I see will benefit everyone one of us once the teething effects are over, and the issue of price gouging by some unscrupulous businesses is gone.
Dear Editor,
I wish to make two points on illegal logging and some driving forces in the forest sector of Guyana.
Dear Editor,
I refer to Karen Bacchus’s letter captioned “How many items attracted a higher consumption tax than 16%?”
Dear Editor,
Barama is claiming that it is not a profitable company and therefore does not have to pay the measly tax.
Dear Mr. President,
We welcome the statement you made on Saturday, January 13 that Government has been reviewing VAT and will probably make some adjustments this week.
Dear Editor,
Is Dr. John Fredericks saying that the controversy in the primitive church surrounding the Divinity of Christ was settled by a majority vote?
Friday afternoon’s escape of nine inmates from the Mazaruni penal facility and the shooting of four members of the joint services is just another manifestation of the precarious state of the nation’s security.
Dear Editor,
What is this I have been reading that Mr.
Dear Editor,
VAT has been supported by all Guyanese, except some businesses and now it looks like the PNCR is joining the bandwagon with C.N
Dear Editor,
Who were the team of persons involved in the drafting of the VAT Act?
Dear Editor,
Musing on the VAT yielded some sharable ideas on how it could have been played out with imagination, compassion, and foresight.
Dear Editor,
There were three major revelations this week as the casino gambling debacle unfolded.
Dear Editor,
A recent Supreme Court ruling in India relating to judicial review of parliamentary actions has relevance for Guyana and the rest of the Commonwealth.
Dear Editor,
I refer to the reported comments of two government officials in the Stabroek News of 1/11/07.