Football has a very negative image, the administrators must do something about it
Dear Editor, Another year for the Kashif & Shanghai football extravaganza has come and gone and from all indications it has been another smashing success.
Dear Editor, Another year for the Kashif & Shanghai football extravaganza has come and gone and from all indications it has been another smashing success.
Will Corentyne’s coastal and riverine fishermen ever be safe from the scourge of piracy or should they accept it as a permanent occupational hazard?
Dear Editor, Our government has an-nounced its plan to legalise casino gambling ahead of the much-anticipated 2007 Cricket World Cup.
Dear Editor, The Minister of Agriculture Mr Robert Persaud must ensure that rice farmers on the Essequibo Coast receive their long awaited land titles.
Dear Editor, The Management of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club would like to express its gratitude to Stabroek News for its wonderful coverage of our Christmas 2006 activities in the edition of 2007-01-08.
Dear Editor, The reaction to the SN Editorial on the Dress Code is really interesting in this 21st century Guyanese society.
Dear Editor, I am enclosing a bill from a supermarket to highlight how businessmen are devising ways and means to take advantage of the many misinformed consumers concerning VAT.
Dear Editor, A headmaster whips a 13 year-old child to discipline her and we yell ” stop, in the name of love”.
Dear Editor, The introduction of VAT or Value-Added Tax came like a sudden tsunami upon our nation.
Dear Editor, Mr Trevor Atkinson in his letter captioned “Barama came in at a time when investment was badly needed and has been in the vanguard of sustainable forest management” (06.12.16) sought to justify the deal with and presence of Barama, by also citing the ‘good deeds’ or ‘fringe benefits’ of the company to the local community.
Dear Ms. Chantalle Smith, I read your column in KN (7th January, 2007).
Dear Editor, At the special forum in New Delhi for People of Indian Origin, the Indian government has responded positively to requests made by the Guyanese contingent and other PIOs.
Dear Editor, Wasn’t the site at Chateau Margot where the chimney is located supposed to be an historical site?
Dear Editor, I see with the implementation of VAT, the business community is coming out to say that the GRA was misleading us about 30 percent C-Tax items only.
Dear Editor, The year seems to have started in confusion since this VAT has descended upon us.
The current issue of Time magazine flatters its readers with the conceit that 2006 was the year of the Ordinary Person.
Dear Editor, I have observed with interest our President making certain statements about Le Meridien Pegasus.
Dear Editor, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee said at a meeting with community policing members at Annandale in December, 2006, that he is challenging East Coast policing groups to do more about crime, he also said that groups are not doing enough to stop crime in their villages, and that crime has increased on the east coast over the years.
Dear Editor, When reading the list of zero-rated food items in the papers, you wonder what was going on in the Ministry of Finance and in the government generally as they come up with it.
Dear Editor, Twenty-one-year-old Rodney Beckles, son of the principal of the University of the West Indies Cave Hill campus, was yesterday charged with the murder of 28-year-old Khalil Campbell.
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