Dear Editor,
Kashif and Shanghai are businessmen at Linden. I presume that we would all agree that private businesses are run to make a profit and can only be sustained if the returns are satisfactory.
Dear Editor,
As was reported in the Kaieteur News on 1/6/07, Buddy’s Hotel is about to be completed and this bodes well for Guyana.
Dear Editor,
The members of some minibus associations are calling for a 20 percent increase in fares or they will engage in protest action mainly in the form of a strike.
Dear Editor,
I have observed with interest our President making certain statements about Le Meridien Pegasus.
Dear Editor,
Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee said at a meeting with community policing members at Annandale in December, 2006, that he is challenging East Coast policing groups to do more about crime, he also said that groups are not doing enough to stop crime in their villages, and that crime has increased on the east coast over the years.
Dear Editor,
When reading the list of zero-rated food items in the papers, you wonder what was going on in the Ministry of Finance and in the government generally as they come up with it.
Dear Editor,
Twenty-one-year-old Rodney Beckles, son of the principal of the University of the West Indies Cave Hill campus, was yesterday charged with the murder of 28-year-old Khalil Campbell.
Dear Editor,
I empathise with Heather Martin’s letter captioned “I was charged $56 extra on a tub of butter, the supermarket said it had already paid consumption tax of 30%” (07.01.04).
Dear Editor,
I support Mr. Christopher Ram who has given some highlights of the global scourge of casino gambling in his letter captioned “Casinos are widely favoured by drug interests as laundries” (07.01.06).
Having crossed into the new year and VAT land no one was expecting that the experience was going to be smooth.
Dear Editor,
President Bharrat Jagdeo proudly refuses to bow to accepted dress codes and rules of grammar and is forging ahead with creating his own rules.
Dear Editor,
The global forum in New Delhi where Guyanese are participants has relevance and application for Guyana and an effort should be made by the government to obtain copies of papers presented especially those relating to development.
Dear Editor,
I refer to your report on the proposed Casino Gambling legislation (07.01.05).
Dear Editor,
Please refer to a full page advertisement, which was published in your Stabroek News issue of Thursday, December 28, 2006 – Facts Every Citizen Should Know About The Georgetown Municipality – The Sorry State of Affairs, p 14, by Mayor Hamilton Green.
Dear Editor,
In your newspaper reports, you have Commissioner General Sattaur saying that businesses should not charge the 16% VAT on the old prices that include the Consumption Tax.
Dear Editor,
With all the outrage being expressed by the Guyanese consumers after experiencing the ‘hands on’ effects of VAT, I thought I should voice my opinion on this entire ‘shebang’ that has caused widespread confusion.
Dear Editor,
I have passed through a number of large scale logging concessions throughout Guyana and observed some techniques that seem to indicate a wanton waste of logs.
Dear Editor,
The Christian Bible warns us that “what we sow is what we will reap eventually”.
President Hugo Ch
Dear Editor,
An opinion survey conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association 9NACTA) in Trinidad finds widespread dissatisfaction with the ruling PNM government but voters are not pleased with the opposition parties.