
It is time for us to pressure the leadership of PNCR to act in the best interest of Guyana and its supporters
Dear Editor, Former Leader of the Opposition, Joseph Harmon was pressured out of that position because the PNCR had turned into a press statement party under his leadership.
The function of the NRF, its procedures for revenue withdrawal and rate of revenue depletion demand urgent national attention
Dear Editor, I write with reference to an article in the online version of Kaieteur Newspaper dated December 6th, 2024 titled ‘Showing how oil money being spent would be difficult’ (https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2024/12/06/showing-how-oil-money-being-spent-would-be-difficult/).
Rearrange the 75 percent expense recoveries so that tax revenues are actually being paid to Guyana
Dear Editor, There is no provision for any effective Royalty in the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement, PSA2016.
Oil producing countries like Guyana should study the Suriname model to guarantee its citizens a share of the nation’s wealth
Dear Editor, SN is commended for a well written, balanced editorial (DEC 6), “Royalties for Everyone”, on the decision by the government of Suriname to grant a savings note (royalty shareholding certificate) of US$750 to each of its citizens, payable after 2028 with 7% interest and a contrast with Guyana’s grant.
The shambles associated with Region 9’s cash grant process has given rise to concerns over transparency and accountability
Dear Editor, The cash grant process in Region 9 was chaotic and shambolic to say the least.
List of cash grant distribution centres reflects religious bias
Dear Editor, A schedule put out by the government on December 4 on distribution of the $100,000 grant lists several masjids and community centers.
Not too late to include every Guyanese to a taste of the cake
Dear Editor, I am puzzled by the manner of our Administration re the $100,000.payout
Making life easier for those awaiting the 2025 budget and cash grant
Dear Editor, We all know the wait for the 2025 budget for some to get their entitled $100,000 cash gifts can feel endless, especially when there are bills to pay or plans for Christmas.
The Jonestown project should not be promoted and profited from as a tourist attraction
Dear Editor, On 18th November, 1978, I was sitting in Guyana’s Consulate Office in New York City as Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister when Forbes Burnham called to inform me that people had been killed in Jonestown and that he would advise me as he learnt more.
One area of consensus among 2025 electors
Dear Editor, I attended a funeral this afternoon. Afterwards, many of us began to talk about the coming general elections next year.
GECOM’s system in 2020 functioned marvellously and did not require biometrics or cameras to create grounds for upheaval
Dear Editor, As the debate on the need to implement biometrics for voter identification in Guyana’s general elections continues, it seems that the focus is really on electronic verification of fingerprints and not facial recognition, voice recognition, or iris (eye) scan.
The joinder list, like Parliament, ought to have known that the law is very specific on seat allocation
Dear Editor, ANUG/TNM/LJP formed an alliance through the joinder list provision to contest the elections.
It is impractical to produce an original short film with a twenty to thirty-minute runtime in less than thirty days
Dear Editor, Yesterday, I read a letter in the paper urging the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) to honour the original deadline for their film competition.

The questionable sustainability of Cricket West Indies could mean elimination as full member status at ICC
Dear Editor, The outgoing chairman of ICC Mr.Greg Barclay recently questioned the sustainability of Cricket West Indies which has received less than 5% of ICC revenue under the 2024-2027 model, pointing out that CWI can barely balance their books.
Silent sufferings
Guyana, a country rich in natural resources and cultural diversity, is home to a significant Amerindian population, whose communities have experienced centuries of marginalization and exploitation.
I have chosen my physical safety and pension book over the cash grant registration
Dear Editor, I will not visit the NIS Office at Pouderoyen Region 3 to register for the Cash Grant because I will be endangering my life at the age of 76 in consequence of the extremely high number of registrants per day in the course of the 5 days allocated making the whole exercise a nightmare for me.
The cash flows in the PSA2016 could be rearranged so as to not cause Guyana to spend out its savings in its National Resource Fund
Dear Editor, I wish to respond to the idea that the oil companies are granting Guyana a fair deal with their 50/50 billboard in which Guyana is getting one-half of the profits from sale of crude oil.
The records of the ship that brought my grandparents to Guyana cannot be found in the National Archives
Dear Editor, On December 27th, 2023, Stabroek News posted an article on the inability of the Guyana’s National Archives to provide travel records of indentured servants from India, who landed on the shores of Guyana over one hundred and fifty years ago.
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