
Rohee misses my base year for population growth and lacks knowledge on digital fingerprints

Dear Editor, I write to expose Commissioner Rohee`s lack of knowledge and/or understanding, as evident in his recent letter in the media, in relation to the concerns that I have consistently raised about the Voter`s List and the application of biometrics (digital fingerprint identification at the place of poll) as a means of mitigating, if not altogether preventing, impersonation (the casting of votes for persons who themselves did not turn up to vote).

The Ministry of Education must face up to its responsibilities

Much of the reason why the recent St. Joseph High School ‘toilet’ episode has not, relatively speaking, been made much of in the public domain, has to do with the fact that, these days, worse things happen at sea (so to speak) as far as irregularities in the education sector are concerned, so much so, that the reported (St.

PNCR could use this $100,000 as a test of loyalty

Dear Editor, The recent announcement of a $100,000 cash grant to citizens could serve as an unintended referendum on the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), offering a unique opportunity for the party to assess its standing among supporters and, more importantly, its relevance in today’s political landscape.

Dr Ramcharan continues to ignore the role the AFC played and continues to play in the deliberate undermining of faith in our electoral mechanisms

Dear Editor, I thank Dr. Bertrand Ramcharan for his response `Intended or not, I would say the facts speak for themselves’ (SN – 26, October, 2024), wherein he doubles down rhetorically on the ‘incontrovertible’ quality of his opinions:  “First, is there meaningful consultation with the Opposition, and are Parliamentary Committees functioning as intended?

This family is in need

Dear Editor, A 29-year-old single mother, Kimberly is reaching out for assistance to rebuild her life after a devastating fire five months ago left her and her five children homeless and struggling to make ends meet.

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