Move over Roger Luncheon, there’s a new ‘spinner’ in town and his name is Ashni Kumar Singh!
It’s nice of the one-time Guyanese broadcaster – frankly, one of the best in his time amongst a whole bunch of top of the line radio men and women……….sigh
Corruption has become the hottest topic among the top brass of the Guyana Police Force these days………….How
Now that the general elections are over and the political pitch is beginning to offer a more even bounce (far too even in the opinion of many) the PNCR’s Comrade Leader has come out to bat again, opting for a sort of 20/twenty style.
Minister Frank has upped and added some fuel to the fire of that long-simmering Mashramani saga.
Local cricket has now been firmly launched into orbit. It took a while but once the political administration took off the velvet glove and decided that the way forward was to simply bludgeon the Board out of existence the GCB simply didn’t stand a chance.
So the government has gone into overdrive in its unending feud with the members of the besieged and now, it seems, outlawed Guyana Cricket Board.
Let’s hope that neither the Suriname Embassy in Georgetown nor any of President Bouterse’s news-monitoring aides in Paramaribo regularly monitor NCN’s hourly news casts; if they do then Takuba Lodge may be the recipient of a terse diplomatic note protesting NCN’s recent reference to President Desi Bouterese as President Donald Ramotar’s “Dutch counterpart.”
Minister Jennifer Webster is re-launching the national Domestic Violence Campaign in March – so says the state paper.
Open confession – so the saying goes – is good for the soul.
On the surface at least President Ramotar appears to have thrown a spanner into the political works by accusing APNU and the AFC of manipulating the general elections results at Linden, thus denying the PPP/C the few percentage points that they needed to take them into the parliamentary promised land.
A Kwakwani source has sent us a report that RUSAL’s Russian Managers are looking around for another location at which to entertain themselves.
It appears that someone completely forgot to tell the state-run newspaper that the day after the President makes a historic presentation to the National Assembly pledging to work together with the political opposition in a new-look Parliament is not the most appropriate day on which to unleash an editorial tirade against one of the political parties with which the government is seeking an accommodation to ensure that every bill that comes before the House is not attended by an outbreak of bloodletting.
Minister of Home Affairs Clement James Rohee has upped and moved himself to Eve Leary and it appears that the move has created an outbreak of “the jitters” among the Police Force’s Top Brass.
If you want to understand this Kafkaesque society of ours you have to learn to recognize and read the political tea leaves.
Those of us who live in towns where floods find us ankle deep in water and filth whenever there is drizzle that goes beyond a few minutes, cannot possibly visualize – even with the help of the pictures that appear in the newspapers – the really hellish conditions that prevail in other more low-lying regions of the country in these La Nina times.
It’s probably worth mentioning that just as we were beginning to wonder when Mr.
The future of the University of Guyana now hangs in a precarious balance.
What on earth are Granger and Ramjattan and their merry men and women waiting for before they ‘get on their bikes’ and start moving around this country, taking the pulse of the people, finding out what their concerns are and start representing those concerns to the people like self-respecting opposition political parties should?
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