Political Analysis

Blame de traffic police

The time has come to stop beating around the bush about these horrendous minibus smash-ups on our roads that end in multiple fatalities.

Jagdeo on the warpath…again

The President of the Republic is on a roll…again; as the West Indies Cricket Board, the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, the Trinidad and Tobago immigration authorities and Brigadier (retd) David Granger all found out in the course of the last week or two.

Ambassador Extraordinaire

We’ll probably never know what took Brasilia so long to say yes to Guyana’s new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Federative Republic of Brazil, His Excellency Kellawan Lall. 

Not Minister Shaik Baksh again!

One of these days, in the course of what remains of his ministerial career, Education Minister Shaik Baksh will probably do himself a serious injury if he persists in the practice of putting his foot in his mouth.

Political fingers in the cricket pie

In a style that the power-hitting sidelined West Indian opener would surely have applauded, President Bharrat Jagdeo has come out to bat for the hapless Chris Gayle and, it seems, for Caribbean cricket.

The things that presidential candidates say

For sheer lack of ingenuity Donald Ramotar’s response to questions about his new-found public profile since his nomination as the PPP/C’s presidential candidate rivals David Granger’s gaffe in response to Stella Ramsaroop’s question about older men who prey on teen-aged girls.

Has the Brigadier gone AWOL?

Not a handful of weeks ago the announcement that retired Army Commander Brigadier David Granger has pipped one-time PNC Finance Minister Carl Greenidge for the nomination as the party’s presidential candidate set tongues wagging amongst the party faithful. 

The Learning Channel?

The Ministry of Education having launched its Guyana Learning Channel with a great deal of aplomb a few months ago, now appears to be well and truly stumped as to how to provide programming for the new Television Channel.

Hammie soldiers on

If this year’s National Awards were to include a category for political longevity, you would have to think hard to come up with a serious rival to His Worship the Mayor of Georgetown, Hamilton Green.

Promises! Promises!

There is something uniquely irritating about the high-sounding pronouncements and promises customarily made by Education Minister Shaik Baksh.

Real Deal Ramotar?

Just about every organization that owes any sort of allegiance to the PPP has paid glowing tribute to Donald Ramotar and moreso to what the Party says was the “unified approach” that manifested itself in his emergence as its presidential candidate.


Both Bharrat Jagdeo and Robert Corbin have signalled their intention to occupy front seats in their parties’ respective bandwagons though one is inclined to wonder just how much good their attentions will do the parties’ presidential candidates.


With a date for elections still yet to be announced, JOPP (the Joint Opposition Political Parties) may have already landed itself in political BOP.

Comrade Ramotar prevails

Like a good, old-fashioned communist party the PPP has managed to put to rest the drama and controversy that surrounded the choice of a presidential candidate.

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