Arts on Sunday

Lorna Goodison

Socially relevant literature in CSEC

The Woman Speaks to the Man who has Employed her Son   Her son was first made known to her as a sense of unease, a need to cry for little reasons and a metallic tide rising in her mouth each morning.

Pablo Neruda

A look at the poetry of Pablo Neruda

In You The Earth Little rose, roselet, at times, tiny and naked, it seems as though you would fit in one of my hands, as though I’ll clasp you like this and carry you to my mouth, but suddenly my feet touch your feet and my mouth your lips: you have grown, your shoulders rise like two hills, your breasts wander over my breast, my arm scarcely manages to encircle the thin new-moon line of your waist: in love you loosened yourself like sea water: I can scarcely measure the sky’s most spacious eyes and I lean down to your mouth to kiss the earth.

Fidal Bassier, Man in Main Street, Winner, GVACE 2014

Kudos, photographers

By Alim Hosein Arts On Sunday this week presents a study on the art of photography in Guyana by Alim Hosein, Coordinator of the Guyana Visual Arts Competition and Exhibition, linguist, artist, literary and art critic, and English lecturer at the University of Guyana. 

Ulysses and the Sirens by John William Waterhouse, 1891 (Google Arts & Culture)

Ulysses revisited

Ulysses It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Match’d with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.

Olive Senior

Jamaica’s newest laureate to focus on eco-poetics

Birdshooting Season                           Birdshooting season the men make marriages with their guns My father’s house turns macho as from far the hunters gather   All night long contentless women stir their brews: hot coffee chocolata, cerassie wrap pone and tie-leaf for tomorrow’s sport.

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