Yoga is beneficial to all fitness goals
Today, June 21, is International Yoga Day and there is no better time to highlight the benefits of including yoga and Pilates into your training routine.
Today, June 21, is International Yoga Day and there is no better time to highlight the benefits of including yoga and Pilates into your training routine.
For many Guyanese, there is just something satisfying about opening a cold Banks Beer after a hard day.
(Part 2) In last week’s column, I gave some useful tips to ensure that when the lockdown is finally over, you can come out of it looking and feeling almost as good as before.
After months, if not years of training, the current lockdown situation has probably got you worried and thinking that you are going to lose all your hard-earned fitness gains.
In many countries, gyms, and fitness centres are cautiously beginning to reopen.
The May/June rains are here again and with them come the common cold, the flu, and other upper respiratory infections.
With the world on its knees due to the COVID-19 pandemic, stress and other factors are leading to more restless or sleepless nights.
Most people are aware of the physical benefits of exercise and also possibly know that its health-related benefits reduce the risk of chronic conditions.
The world is currently rife with discussions about the coronavirus pandemic and its effects, even on the living.
Hey Guys! Ms Bikini Guyana here to shed some light on your day.
Scrolling through my Instagram timeline recently, I came across a meme with the words: Warning!
The current Covid-19 health crisis means that a lot of us are paying much more attention to our health and well-being than usual.
The bad news is that the coronavirus can remain on myriad surfaces for long periods, which means that it is possible to contract it even if you do not come into direct contact with someone who has it.
The Coronavirus pandemic is the trending topic worldwide. Guyana recorded its first case, a 52-year-old woman, who later became a casualty.
Drinking more water can actually make you build muscle and burn fat and increase your overall health.
There are three key things you should know about losing body fat.
Breathing is one of the functions that we usually take for granted as the body does this automatically.
There is a longstanding debate over the optimum time for training.
Unless you are already lean, at least part of your reason for exercising is that you want to burn fat and get ripped.
As part of your 2020 New Year’s resolution, you’re trying to lose body fat, gain muscle, or work towards some type of body composition goal.
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