Growing Perspectives

If you burn your toast, do you redo it to get it right? (Image by freepik)
If you burn your toast, do you redo it to get it right? (Image by freepik)

The burnt toast theory

Since the beginning of time, the extraordinary feats of mankind have inspired a sense of marvel and mystery.

Cropped AI generated image of man with an empty bowl (Image by freepik)

The dilemma of empty plates

Every morning, the sun rises above a newly rested world. As the sunlight spreads itself like a blanket over our lands, flowers unfurl, people awaken and shimmering drops of dew disappear into the morning in the form of invisible mist.

An AI generated image of a girl looking into a cracked mirror (Image by frimufilms on Freepik)

Cracks in the mirror

The strange peacefulness of this modern era has lulled us into a state where we have begun to subconsciously believe that the world is free of prejudice or inequality.

It’s okay to have your head in the clouds, but you should also be realistic

The weight of a cloud

Our imagination has an extremely interesting way of transforming simple objects in our environment into fantastical elements that appear in the fabric of our dreams.

We often do carry our fate in our hands (AI generated image from Freepik)

Fate lines

One of the most beautiful parts of youthhood is the excitement that accompanies the desire to know what our future holds for us.

Even wildcats stop to sunbathe (AI generated image by Freepik)

Connecting with care

Time can change castles into rubble and villains into heroes. Time has changed us from tiny cells into individual human beings.

AI generated photo of children sitting outdoors looking at books (Freepik)

Why is the sky blue?

Have you ever spent time speaking with young children? If you have, then you may have noticed that young children are just about the most curious creatures on the planet!

Often those who people watch tend to wonder about the lives of those they see going by (AI generated image of a group of friends walking along together)

Seeking sonder

Have you ever noticed a stranger who did something significant that led you to wonder what their story is?

 AI generated depiction of memories on shards of glass (Image from Freepik)

Heirlooms that hurt

Have you ever gazed at the magnificence of an enormous tree and wondered how something so great could come from a tiny seed?

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