In The Garden

Let us ID and tag Yellow Poui

(Continued from last week) As far as I am aware, the only surviving Yellow Poui is planted outside the Prime Minister’s Residence on Main Street.


(Continued from last week) Heliconias make excellent table and floor fresh flower arrangements and can be found in hotel lobbies, malls, banks, churches and reception halls.

The beautiful heliconia

Heliconias are magnificent and beautiful. A few years ago there were approximately 20 species of heliconia grown in the Caribbean; today, there are more than 400 species in cultivation.

Saplings need protection

In an earlier article, I had implored the authorities to put in place a maintenance plan with the hope of raising the awareness and importance of our trees; to no avail.

Tree trimmers need training

As the hype of making Georgetown a ‘green city’ continues, one can only watch speechlessly as the butchering of trees progresses.


Allamanda prefers a rich soil and plenty of water during the hot/dry days.

Thunbergia erecta

Thunbergia erecta commonly called King’s Mantle, originated from tropical West Africa and comes from the Acanthaceae family.

The Festival of Flowers (Part 2)

During The Festival of Flowers we were treated to violin music by a young musician during the lunch break, and what a treat that was along with the steel pan and the cathedral organ.

The Festival of Flowers

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception better known as Brickdam Cathedral held a Grand Festival of Flowers in celebration of their centenary last Monday and Tuesday at the cathedral.

Cordia sebestena

Cordia sebestena commonly called Spanish Cordia or Geranium tree originated from the northern coast of South America and the Caribbean, and comes from the Boraginaceae family.

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