Let’s Gyaff Law

Sexual offences courts

Breaking Down the Sexual Offences Act I took a break last week to give a snapshot of how the law of criminal contempt works in Guyana’s court system.

Mandatory records and investigation

Breaking down the Sexual Offences Act As we continue to break down the Sexual Offences Act, Cap 8:03, Laws of Guyana (“the Act”), today we will examine section 41, an incredibly important, if not innovative provision.

Punishment of inchoate sexual offences

Breaking Down Sexual Offences Act If we review the articles in this column over the past weeks, we will see that, in most cases, the offences and penalties we have examined apply to the person who commits the conduct which is a crime under the Sexual Offences Act, Cap 8:03, Laws of Guyana (“the SOA”).

Sexual offences committed overseas

Breaking down the Sexual Offences Act This week, we will be breaking down section 35 of Sexual Offences Act, Cap 8:03, Laws of Guyana (“the SOA”) beginning with offences outside Guyana.

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