Let’s Gyaff Law

Intercourse with an animal

Breaking Down Sexual Offences This week’s article will be relatively short as we look at conduct which everyone probably knows to be a crime: intercourse with an animal.

Breaking Down Sexual Offences

Voyeurism Last week we examined the offence of exposure of the genitals under section 28 of the Sexual Offences Act, Cap 8:03, Laws of Guyana (SOA), we learned it is an offence for a person to intentionally expose his genitals to another with the intention that the person who sees will be alarmed of distressed.

Exposure of the genitals

Breaking Down Sexual Offences Last week we concluded our examination of laws which seek to protect people with mental disorders from sexual predation.

Sex with an adult family member

This week we turn our attention to and will break down a particularly sensitive and complex provision: Section 22 of the Sexual Offences Act, Cap 8:03, Laws of Guyana (the SOA).

Sexual activity with a child family member

In previous articles, we saw that under the Sexual Offences Act (“the SoA”), the age of consent is 16, and that any sexual activity, including sexual intercourse, with a child under the age of 16 is illegal, regardless of whether that child agreed to the sexual activity (see sections 10 and 11 of the SoA).

The close-in-age defences (the Romeo and Juliet laws)

In earlier articles I explained that in Guyana, the age of consent (that is, the age at which a child can consent to sexual activity) is 16 years, and that as such, it is generally a criminal offence to engage in sexual activity, including intercourse, with a child under 16 years.

Breaking Down Sexual Offences

Today, we will dissect two of the most crucial provisions under the Sexual Offences Act, Cap 8:03, Laws of Guyana (the Act), which criminalise specific sexual conduct involving children.

Breaking down sexual offences

Introduction Today I will break down the offence of sexual assault, which is created by section 4 of the Sexual Offences Act, Chapter 8:03, Laws of Guyana (the SOA).

Breaking down sexual offences

Over the last four weeks, I have tried to explain the concepts of consent and penetration carefully, peeling back the complexities that can make these concepts hard to grasp for both non-legal individuals and some legal minds.

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