Talking openly about miscarriages
Women tend to shy away from the subject of miscarriages, mostly because they feel there is a stigma attached to it.
Women tend to shy away from the subject of miscarriages, mostly because they feel there is a stigma attached to it.
In our modern society, women are working in competitive jobs and earning a lot more than they used to.
How do you feel when the thought of aging comes up?
As the years go by, some married couples realise that they show less and less affection for each other.
Today we will look at what addiction is, how it affects us, the causes, and the treatment options.
If you’re a parent then you surely understand the struggles of sometimes having to deal with negative attitudes from your children, especially if they are older.
As if we weren’t stressed enough before the pandemic, now it’s doubly worse and people find themselves more anxious and more stressed out.
When making a decision, we choose actions via mental processes which are influenced by biases, reason, emotions, and memories.
The growing numbers of COVID-19 deaths will likely terrify you, especially if you already have an underlying condition.
Adapting to COVID-19 hasn’t been easy and for many of us that is particularly true when it comes to managing our finances.
Through access to social media, we can easily connect with our family and friends from all parts of the world.
We know that death must come to us all but it’s never usually something we can readily accept, especially when it hits close to us, such as the death of a close friend, or a relative, or perhaps most dreadfully one of our own children.
Death is often a sore subject and one that adults like to avoid talking about.
One’s attitude is defined as a set way of thinking and feeling about something.
Across the globe, we have seen the emergence of COVID-19 deniers and in the case of Guyana it has been no different.
It has been common practice for human beings to highlight the weaknesses of others.
After months of being indoors, people have found unhealthy ways of coping, like consuming excessive amounts of alcohol.
Many of us have either watched or heard stories about serial killers and there are a few questions that we naturally ask: Why would they kill all those people?
Because we are humans and not robots, we will encounter differences and disagreements in our various relationships and how we deal with them as they crop up will determine the success or failure of those unions.
If there is one thing this pandemic has taught some of us it is how precious and valuable life really is.
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