In Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian neighbourhood in Jerusalem, captured and since occupied by Israel in the Six Day War in 1967, Israel sought to evict six Palestinian families, who have been in occupation since 1948 or before.
Captain Shelly Dookram has been a pilot for two years, and she vividly remembers being a little girl, watching planes take off from the Eugene F Correia (then Ogle) Airport and knowing that she wanted to fly them.
When she lost her mother, her biggest inspiration and supporter, a little over a month ago, Natalia Robinson drained most of her savings for the funeral expenses.
I was prepared for the morning sickness and food aversions, big feet, swollen fingers, shortness of breath, huge nose and lips, darkened skin across the neck, face and the unimaginable places and of course the stretch marks which many regard as badges of honour.
Dr Dawn Fox developed a love affair with Chemistry in secondary school, which has flourished as she now lecturers in the field, has done tons of research and if all goes well will soon produce a household water filter made entirely from recycled and locally available materials, which can be deployed in vulnerable communities and emergency situations.
Most of the working life of Ivor Melville, Executive Director of the Hope Foundation, has been in delivering public health services in HIV/AIDS and more recently COVID-19 in Bartica and outlying and hinterland communities in Region Seven.
I wrote a column on this topic some time ago, but following some recent brouhaha in our local media over the quality of a particular artistic production, it is clearly a focus we have to keep revisiting,
It’s not obvious – in fact it’s often completely overlooked – but the truth is that in every high quality performance in the arts, the writing is the key.
As indicated last week, starting with today’s column, I shift focus away from offering readers data and analytics rooted in instructional guidance on the political economy of Guyana’s emerging oil and gas.
Cheddi Jagan railed for decades in hundreds of articles and thousands of speeches at the unfair and exploitative extraction of wealth by the developed industrial countries from the poor South, with an unenviable command of facts and figures.
At 22, Miss Bikini Champion Rosanna Fung is fit and fabulous and despite being at the top rung of the ladder in terms of health and fitness, she is a strong advocate for people to be vaccinated in order to help in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now that the irregular 2020-21 Candidates Tournament has ended, all focus is on the World Championship Match which is more than six months away and is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, November 24.
Last Update: 711. 73 Movement: 0.247%
Current Update: 709.97 YTD Movement: 2.62% LUCAS STOCK INDEX (LSI)
The Lucas Stock Index declined 0.247% during the first period of trading in May 2021.
If you like your Pepperpot with cowheel and trotters (pig feet), then you should like this sandwich – it is made with one of the parts of the animal considered to be an odd bit.
As she gets set to exit office, Santa Rosa Toshao Whanita Phillips is closing another chapter in a working life that to date has been mainly voluntary.