Rational incentive
Based on the economics Nobel Prize winning theory of “incomplete markets”, my previous column posited that, the Parties to Guyana’s 2016 PSA have a rational incentive to re-negotiate the contract, if underlying conditions of the country’s petroleum sector drastically change.
In this week’s edition of In Search of West Indies Cricket, Roger Seymour, in the first of two parts, looks at the early star-crossed life of cricket’s first Superstar.
Divided societies like Guyana suffer from a phenomenon whereby historic events which, when they occur, give rise to allegations of ethnic bias, which never seem to go away.
I have this Artist in Residence thing (AIR) going with UG via Dr Griffith the VC and as part of that, the band (Oliver Basdeo, James Jacobs, Colin Perrera) and I are doing some gigs around the place.
Last week’s column, sought to reinforce the critical importance of two features of the fiscal regime embedded in Guyana’s 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA).
“Game Night” is the best example of counterprogramming in the cinema right now and it looks likely to be that way until probably May, assuming it remains in theatres.
Ode to Aphrodite
Deathless Aphrodite, throned in flowers,
Daughter of Zeus, O terrible enchantress,
With this sorrow, with this anguish, break my spirit
Lady, not longer!