Stabroek Weekend

Choose your electrical appliances with care

The Guyana National Bureau Standards warns consumers as follows: We are already in the Christmas season and it is generally the peak period  for purchasing  household items including electrical appliances.

This spayed female dog with a slightly quizzical look is waiting at the GSPCA for a kind person to come and adopt her.
This spayed female dog with a slightly quizzical look is waiting at the GSPCA for a kind person to come and adopt her.


Continued from last week Treatment In those instances when you have actually witnessed the dog ingesting a poisonous substance (rat bait, say), you can at least try to institute immediate supportive remedial action, according to what the poison was, even before you begin your trip to your vet.

Relay the praise

In the song “Angels Wings”, dedicated to Caribbean mothers, I am actually singing about the life of my own mother, Zepherina Barcellos, who left many impressions on me. 

A tribute to Winston Murray

Introduction Business Page joins in paying tribute to Winston Murray, economist, attorney-at-law and politician who offered this country a unique blend of experience, expertise, capacity for research, hard work and patience, all reinforced by unusual humility, integrity and respect for others.

Carol Joseph


Hopetown Village, West Coast Berbice is fairly quiet on a normal day, although it is known for holding grand soirees as part of its emancipation celebrations.

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