Stabroek Weekend

Guyana and the wider world

As has been emphasised in this column money laundering is associated with all types of illegal activities, not only those arising from organized crime.

Pet Corner

As every pet owner knows, companion animals reciprocate love unconditionally and irrepressibly.

Arts On Sunday

At six o’clock last Thursday, on the evening of Boxing Day, December 26, 2007, the dramatic production titled Nuff an Plenty opened at the Little Theatre in Kingston, Jamaica.

Workers Paradise?

This article was received from Project Syndicate, an international not-for-profit association of newspapers dedicated to hosting a global debate on the key issues shaping our world CAMBRIDGE – Will the political resurgence of labour unions throw a wrench into the wheels of globalization?

Caricom, Cuba and the hemisphere

Dr Vaughan Lewis, a native of St Lucia, is the Professor of International Relations of the Caribbean at the Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad.


The statistics are shocking: One in seven women in the United States will be treated for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) over the course of her lifetime.

Eye Issues

I’m 41 and my optometrist told me I need bifocals. I don’t want the old-fashioned ones with the lines.

Business Page

Introduction As civil society in Guyana has taken – or rather been given – an increasing role in public-spirited tasks such as fighting floods, AIDS, poverty and discrimination – perceived and real – providing legal aid or cheap meals for the poor, those civil society organisations seeking to formalise and institutionalise themselves face more than the usual challenges of resource limitation and fundraising.


From today Mr Christopher Ram, the senior partner of Ram and Mc Rae resumes authorship of the Sunday Business Page.


I started to see blurry and the optometrist told me I am beginning to get something called keratoconus.

Consumer Conserns

The publication of a list of the most serious concerns faced by consumers during the current year may, with a little luck, induce some improvements for the coming year.


What is pterygium? A pterygium is a wedge-shaped fibro vascular growth of the conjunctiva (the surface tissue of the white of the eye) that extends onto the cornea.


It was on Sunday, March 18, that two chess players took a daring step and announced a chess tournament; the first for well over a decade.

Ian On Sunday

It is reported that as many as 20,000 politicians, officials, international functionaries, journalists and activists attended the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, better known as the Bali Conference.

Ghettoizing Identity

PARIS – Once, as I picked up the Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen at his hotel, the receptionist asked me if I was his driver.

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