Stabroek Weekend

Eye Issues

I am very nearsighted and wear ‘coke-bottle’ glasses. Can I get thinner lenses that look better?


India dominated the Parsvnath Commonwealth Chess Championships which concluded on Monday with a sweep of 44 of the 45 medals which were available in the various age-group categories.

Guyana and the wider world

Following last week’s reporting of the main results of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index for 2007-2008, several readers have requested me to provide further information.

Ian on Sunday

Instantaneous, computer-driven communication is becoming a curse, not a boon. It was supposed to free us; it is enslaving us.

Guyana and the wider world

In this week’s column I evaluate the 2007-2008 results in the Global Competitiveness Index provided by the World Economic Forum (WEF), paying particular attention to those for Guyana and other Caricom countries.

The View From Europe

‘Past performance is no guarantee of future results’ reads the ‘health warning’ on many financial products sold in the United Kingdom.

Eye Issues

I recently got my eyes examined and the optometrist says I have astigmatism.

Pet Corner

Re (3): The feeding schedule It is better to underfeed orphaned puppies.

Arts on Sunday

Continued from last week Eugene O’Neill re-entered university in 1912 and studied Drama, this time at Harvard and with success.

Consumer Concern

In the island of Bali, Indonesia, at this time, the fate of this world and consumers in this world is being decided.

Citrus enjoy a light spraying in hot weather

Well over a century ago the British Admiralty required all naval vessels to carry stocks of limes as part of the food intake for sailors to prevent them suffering from scurvy, a nasty disease related to Vitamin C deficiency which could immobilise an entire ship’s company.

Business Page

Introduction Mergers and acquisition activity is often said to be the life blood of the stock market.

Arts On Sunday

The age of modern drama in the Western world was ushered in some 130 years ago and we are still in that ‘age’ today.

Pet Corner

Over the years, during every whelping season, I am confronted with requests from anxious pet owners, whose mother dogs have deposited litters which they have abandoned soon after birth.

Consumer Concerns

Recently a question was asked as to why it was that residents in West Indian Islands usually praised their countries while Guyanese were in the habit of ‘bad talking’ Guyana?

Chess with Errol Tiwari

During the expiring moments of the National Chess Championships, Kriskal Persaud needed to win both of his games on the final day to establish beyond doubt that he would capture Guyana’s most prestigious board-game title.

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