Stabroek Weekend

Ian on Sunday

How is a great poem created? It is mystery. It is like asking for an explanation of a square cut by Gary Sobers or a cover drive by Rohan Kanhai.

The View from Europe

One of the more striking developments over the last eighteen months or so has been the rise and rise of investment interest in the Caribbean region.

A tribute to Anthony Downes

When I first met J A (Tony) Downes, he was the youngest recruit, as a Booker cadet, into the early ranks of personnel officers of the then Bookers Sugar Estates.


By any measure, William de Weever Wishart (1873-1955) was one of this country’s most outstanding citizens.

Ian On Sunday

T he Last of the Redmen by Michael Gilkes will take its place, with The Legend of Kaieteur and Miriamy, at the summit of Guyanese cultural achievement on the stage.

Consumer Concerns

In the concluding paragraph in his article entitled ‘Competition in the CSME needs a National Quality Infrastructure’ Dr Chatterpaul Ramcharan referred to the need for Guyanese manufacturers to overcome their reluctance and resistance and implement a quality management system which complies with the ISO 9001 international standard for the smaller enterprises which cannot reach the quality management system demanded of larger enterprises.

Arts On Sunday

One of America’s most interesting and most modernist playwrights, Edward Albee, wrote a drama called The American Dream in which he directs one of his characteristic satirical gazes at the great ideal that he names in his title.

The View From Europe

Being able to see though the fog of war and to think forward to a future beyond, is what sets apart great statesmen and women.

Business Page

Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited September 30,2007 Annual Report It comes as somewhat of a shock that Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited’s (RBL) full year earnings increased just $59M over the $1,036M earned in the first three quarters of the financial year.


Life-style changes are an important part of any treatment regimen for the prevention of heart disease.


The National Chess Champion-ships come to a close today with the final two rounds being played at the Ocean Spray Hotel on Vlissengen Road.

Pet Corner

We have reached the stage where the pups have been born, and we must now care for them during this harrowing period of their first few weeks of life.


This weekend, the National Chess Championships of Guyana will be decided.

Ian On Sunday

The economic powerhouses of the world are still hoping to revive the DOHA round of WTO trade negotiations.

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