Stabroek Weekend

Arts On Sunday

Some years ago Caribbean writer and cultural commentator Ian McDonald caused a minor stir when he criticised today’s popular music, in particular dancehall and soca, calling it mindless, shallow and mechanical.


But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep.

Consumer Conserns

Last Sunday this column carried a portion of the text of Mr Cassian Mittleholzer’s broadcast in November 1971 which spoke of Aflatoxin and its dangers.

Ian On Sunday

Toronto is a calm, clean, well-ordered, cosmopolitan, peaceful city. If one long weekend in this city of two-and-a-half million people there are a couple of murders it is an alarming law and order crisis.

The View From Europe

Pity poor Thomas Shannon, the US State Department’s Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs.

Guyana and the wider world

Methods of rule I have been at pains to point out in the current series of columns, which are assessing my earlier thesis of four years ago about the state in Guyana being transformed into a vehicle for criminal enterprise that the “methods of rule” of a particular state do not exemplify its intrinsic essence.

Guyana and the wider world

SMALL ARMS A critical subtext to last week’s discussion on globalization, governance and the criminal state in Guyana is the role that “small arms weaponry” as defined by the United Nations continues to play in both the consolidation of the criminal faction within the ruling elite and the wider criminal violence daily evident in the society.

Arts On Sunday

The long history of cultural contact between the United States of America and the developing world is interesting, varied, colourful, and often charged with controversy.

Ian On Sunday

Any practical person in charge of anything periodically asks the question: “How do we get things done most effectively?”

Pet Corner

So, now mom has delivered her litter of energetic, squirming, squealing (when they are awake) puppies.

Eye Issues

What is a cataract? In our eye we have a lens, and when we are young, the lens is clear, like clear glass.


Aging in women is associated with the menopausal transition. At the menopause a child-bearing woman has to cope with cessation of her periods and many changes both physical and mental.

The View From Europe

On October 23 the European Commission published a new Communication (policy paper) on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA).


Following a regrettable hiatus of well over a decade, the National Chess Championships are back.

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