Stabroek Weekend

Arts on Sunday

What may be called Indian theatre in Guyana has had recent periods of ascendancy with more activity and more positive signals than in previous years.

A Gardener’s Diary

You would hardly believe that the petunia could be a close relative of the potato, tomato, and tobacco, but it is a fact.


The ‘Chess In Schools’ programme, which has been assiduously promoted by this column and vigorously supported by Dr Frank Anthony, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport and Neil Kumar, Director of Sport, is quickly becoming a reality.

Pet Corner

The first thing that we must decide upon is whether there, in fact, exists a problem during the giving-birth period (parturition).

A Gardener’s Diary

This last few weeks have been really very hot, blisteringly so, and gardeners everywhere are looking forward to some relief.

Eye Issues

The optometrist told me my son is not seeing because of a scar in the back of the eye from toxoplasmosis.

Ian on Sunday

Who can doubt that small developing countries are being given a blood-raw deal by developed countries?

The View From Europe

Three thousand miles and seemingly light years away from any issue that might interest the Caribbean, a territorial confrontation of sorts is underway to control uninhabited parts of the Arctic.

Arts On Sunday

We have on several previous occasions alluded to the common features of various different traditional festivals and, in particular, those that are primarily religious.

Eye Issues

Why does my eye jump or twitch? Sometimes part of your eyelid may twitch for several minutes or hours.

All On Sunday

Poetry International Rotterdam is an organisation in the Netherlands that exists for the promotion and propagation of poetry on a full-time basis.


Of the twenty-one games that were played, Spassky won one other, the 11th.,

consumer Concerns

Sunday Stabroek, August 6, 2006: ‘Not govt’s intention to have food prices increase because of VAT – Jagdeo.’

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