Stabroek Weekend


Dr Cen Jones, who has died aged 85, was an expert in tropical medicine whose initiatives in following up on the pioneering work of Dr Giglioli, virtually eradicated malaria in British Guiana (now Guyana).

Eye Issues

Why does my eye jump or twitch? Sometimes part of your eyelid may twitch for several minutes or hours.

Ian On Sunday

There have been a handful of men who have made a deep and unforgettable impression on me: my father, first and always; Jock Campbell, Chairman of Bookers in the 1950s and ’60s; Martin Carter, whose poetry time as it passes burnishes to a yet brighter gleam.

The View From Europe

St Lucia’s new Minister of Tourism and Aviation, Allen Chastenet, has a refreshingly different perspective on government.


Pain is a universal human experience. It is an unpleasant sensory experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.

Pet Corner

Tapeworms, though not as lethal as hookworms can be equally debilitating in the long run.

Through A Woman’s Eyes

When my daughter began nursery school about six years ago, she came from school one day so anxious to relate what had occurred, the words were tripping over each other.

Eye Issues

My wife is trying to get me to stop smoking and she says it can damage my eyes.

Ian On Sunday

There is no connection between sexual mores and job performance. Many of the greatest leaders in history were unbridled lechers.

Consumer Concerns

The poor are always with us. In Guyana we are very conscious of the fact that many of our consumers are living from hand to mouth.

Arts On Sunday

Last week we took a brief look at contemporary African poetry as illustrated by a selection from a poet resident in Britain, Nigeria born Ben Okri, who won the Booker Prize 1991 for his novel The Famished Road.

Business Page

Introduction Last year this publication ran a story regarding a potential reform being considered by the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) to replace the current pay as you go system with a system whereby benefits are set with reference to the amount of contributions paid into the scheme (‘NIS eyes contribution-based pensions proposal as part of reform,’ Sunday Stabroek, November 5, 2006).

The View From Europe

Listening to Barbados Deputy Prime Minister Mia Mottley, speak in Aruba one could not but have sympathy with her and the difficult hand that she has been given to play over Caricom’s new visa regime.

Arts On Sunday

One of the interesting elements of African poetry is the way it has journeyed in Africa, in Europe and through the diaspora around the world through originality, imitation, modern, identity consciousness, back to imitation to become an influence on the originality of a major contemporary literary movement.

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