Guyana Oil and Gas News

All the latest news and commentary on the new Guyana Oil and Gas sector include exploration, drilling, policy, impact and more.

The saga of the audit creates more confusion

Introduction In an advertisement appearing in the national media yesterday, the Ministry of Natural Resources, on its own behalf and that of the Government of Guyana, invited expressions of interest by Consultants desirous of providing services to the Project Execution Unit, presumably of the Ministry, to “conduct an audit of the Recoverable Contract Costs as called for in the signed Production Sharing Contract(s).”

How Offshore Drilling Works

By Berry Dann, Julianna Dietz, and Sarah Ward The Ocean Foundation With 2020 and ‘first oil’ on the horizon the Stabroek Business seeks to provide readers with insights into aspects of the sector and its operations including issues relating to the processes and risks associated with the recovery process.

David Granger

No verification of Liza-1 US$4.4B cost was done

No verification of the US$4.4 billion development cost for ExxonMobil’s Liza Phase-1 project was done by the Guyana Government or its regulatory agencies as they relied on a technical examination of the plan, which had been submitted by the company and its affiliates before granting a historic production licence.

President David Granger (left) and Trinidadian Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley exchanging copies of the MoU yesterday at State House.

Guyana, T&T ink energy MoU

Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago yesterday inked a long-awaited Memoran-dum of Understanding (MoU) on Energy Sector Cooperation with the leaders of both countries assuring that there is no need to fear any “takeover” of the energy sector by either side.

Memorandum of Understanding on Energy Sector Cooperation between The Co-operative Republic of Guyana and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

The Co-operative Republic of Guyana and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (hereinafter referred to individually as “the Party” and collectively as “the Parties”); CONSIDERING the commitment of both governments to continue the development of cooperation mechanisms to foster the creation of an environment conducive to energy integration on the basis of the principles of reciprocity, solidarity and respect for sovereignty; RECOGNIZING that the development of the energy sector contributes significantly to the strengthening of economic and social development while improving the quality of life of the citizens of both Parties; The Parties have reached the following understanding: Article 1 Objective This Memorandum of Understanding on Energy Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as MOU) establishes the process through which the Parties agree to work with each other in the development of the energy and energy related sectors of the Parties with the aim of developing and promoting joint projects throughout the hydrocarbon value chain in accordance with the provisions hereof and without prejudice to their respective national legal systems.

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