Guyana Oil and Gas News

All the latest news and commentary on the new Guyana Oil and Gas sector include exploration, drilling, policy, impact and more.

Participants seated prior to yesterday’s start of the Oil and Gas Course at the Critchlow Labour College.

Twenty-five youngsters in Critchlow Labour College’s ground-breaking oil and gas programme

Twenty-five students drawn from five of the country’s administrative regions are participating in the first ever programme in oil and gas operations by the Guyana Trades Union Congress-administered Critchlow Labour College, which commenced at the College’s Woolford Avenue Complex yesterday.   General Secretary of the GTUC, Lincoln Lewis who is Chairperson of the College’s Board of Directors told Stabroek Business earlier this week that the significance of the two-day programme reposed in the commitment of the College “to remain in the mainstream of relevant education notwithstanding the challenges.

Evaluating Open Oil’s Financial Modeling of Guyana’s 2016 PSA – 2

Introduction Within hours of the publication of my last Sunday’s Stabroek column, where I had indicated my intention to  write a “three-part review of Open Oil’s reported financial modeling exercise of Guyana’s 2016 PSA”, its Founder and Author of the exercise wrote to the Stabroek News Editor “to correct some inaccuracies” (letter published, Monday, May 7, 2018).


Part 43   One feature of the Esso/Hess/CNOOC 2016 Agreement – as indeed the 1999 Esso Agreement signed by President Janet Jagan – which has received little public attention is Gas which is addressed in Article 12 of both Agreements.

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